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Table Top Sale + What makes a home a home?

Table Top Sale

9-12noon, Saturday 17th August

St Barnabas Church, Jubilee Terrace, Leeman Rd, YO26 4YZ

Come and sell from a table in the church: pre-loved items, home grown produce or home-made items.

Sellers from 8.30am, space limited first come, first served or book via


YoCo will be running a stall and a workshop asking: ‘What makes a home a home?’ and iniviting people to become part of groups to shape the YoCo co-owned homes and neighbourhood on York Central

Holgate Councillors’ Surgery


The Table Top Sale is co-organised by St Barnabas Church and YoCo: York Central Co-Owned

17 August

What makes a home a home? Join us at the Table Top Sale

21 September

Introducing YoCo @ York Environment Week. Join us at the Table Top Sale