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What Makes a Vibrant Place - Look at Your City

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A YoCo / York High Street Forum event

York Central Co-Owned (YoCo) is proposing the creation of a mixed-use, fifteen-minute neighbourhood on York Central – built upon an economic framework which animates buildings and public spaces. York High Street Forum is working to reimagine the city centre as a place which is about more than retail – a participative place which engages families and draws in residents.

A question which is common to these two processes of enquiry and design is “what makes a vibrant place?”. What mix of activities and environment creates life in cities? What economic framework enables citizens to take part in creating the living heart of their own city? And a key element of YoCo’s thinking on York Central – how can the design of this new part of York act as a mirror to explore issues which affect the city as a whole?

The event will be structured around a guided walk through the city centre of around an hour’s duration, with a route chosen to explore a variety of spaces which vary in their character and quality, and which highlight the ways in which use of public space can be encouraged and provided for. The walk will finish at a very consciously-designed public space – Spark on Piccadilly, where we’ll gather in the community space to unpick what we’ve seen and start to structure ideas for future thinking. Refreshments will be provided.

Numbers will be limited to ensure discussion is manageable, so please book your place (and if you’re unable to attend, please notify us in advance so we can offer it to someone else!).

17 October

YoCo Monthly Open Meeting

26 November

YoCo Annual General Meeting