What will YoCo's vision of a "community made through exchange" look like and feel like? This is a chance to work with a group of local architects to turn YoCo's principles of mixed-use and co-owned development into the beginnings of a plan - the first lines on paper showing the buildings and spaces that might make that happen.
We're working with local architectural practices who have come together to bring their knowledge of designing within York's heritage and communities. We're aiming to get a clear enough picture of what we want to build to allow Leeds Community Homes to start helping us think about costs and values. We want to quickly get to the point where we could show a potential development partner broadly what we want to build and what sort of budgets would be involved.
Alongside this YoCo aims to shape the York Central development as a whole, and this illustration of what a truly sustainable "fifteen minute neighbourhood" might look like will help that process via the YoCo + Demos crowdsourcing a community plan project.
Join us at St.Barnabas Church on Jubilee Terrace, just off Leeman Road. It'll be an exciting evening turning ideas and shared vision into something more tangible.